Data Gathering Principles
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Assessment Logic™ stores aggregate data rather than individual student data. Storing aggregate data makes data entry a breeze. Storing aggregate data also means that Assessment Logic™ can accommodate the use of any type of evaluation instrument or activity (test, speeches, essays, term papers, video performances, laboratory experiments, etc) which is used at your institution. You can continue to use what you are currently using to assess programs. You do not need to adapt your assessment practices to the software, the software will accommodate your requirements.

Faculty, at McPherson College, have expressed enthusiasm for
Assessment Logic™, emphasizing its ability to utilize current assessment data and practices.

The following principles guide the McPherson College data gathering:
    •  Assess in authentic situations as much as possible.
Assess in a variety of contexts.
Assess the environment, the instruction, and the students.
Assess processes as well as products.
Clarify and use standards in assessment.
Involve the entire educational community in the assessment process.
Make assessment an ongoing part of everyday opportunities and instruction.

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